You have spiritual gifts and a sacred purpose.
It’s time to uncover them.
spiritual mentoring
I work 1:1 with budding healing practioners and sensitive souls dedicated to their spiritual path to expand their consciousness. Who are unafraid to dive deep and are dedicated to their spiritual growth. 1:1 clients have included: yoga and meditation instructors, reiki practioners, accupuncturists, energy healers and intuitives, therapists, and other healing arts practioners. These spiritual entrapreneurs are typically in their first 1-5 years of work or ready to shift their sacred role. I also mentor sensitives who are waking up to their intuition.
Through spiritual mentorship, I work 1:1 with big hearted sensitive souls who KNOW there is more than meets the eye and what the mind thinks. If you want to more deeply understand the mystery of yourself and the Universe this is for you. Together we'll hold session regularly to see what the Universe is unfolding for you and to do work of the shadow and the Light.
Our work together will empower you to:
Strengthen your ability to hear, trust, and act on your inner intuitive voice.
Heal and integrate aspects of your shadow such as childhood, ancestral, and past life wounds.
Uncover your unique intuitive gifts and abilities.
Deepen your personal spiritual practice and path.
Center your spiritual values and intuition in your business.
Create healthy boundaries between your sacred work and personal life.
Deepen your connection with the loving powers guiding your life.
Process and clarify dynamics that emerge during your client work.
Discern the what and the why when spiritual experiences occur in your life.
If you are a person who has done some inner work and personal development to date, I'd love to connect.
I strive to strike a balance between accessibility to this work and honoring my own needs. My current standard rate is $250 for each 60 minute session. And offer sliding scale for people with strong financial need.
To begin, I offer a complimentary consultation to see whether we both agree we are a strong match.
Schedule time together below to get started.
Day-long Retreats
I also offer 1:1 day-long intensive retreats. Day longs are an opportunity to dive deep and explore your mind/body/soul. We do this through meditation, ritual, ceremony, journaling, dreamwork, and somatic (body-centered) as well as cognitive processing support. I lead these day-longs locally at your residence if you live in the greater Washington, DC area. Or at an accommodation you arrange like an Airbnb if visiting from out of town.
Rate: $1400 (overnight accommodation not included). This includes one 60 minute preparation prior to our retreat and one 60 minute integration session post-retreat. I offer sliding scale options for people with strong financial need.