10 signs you're NOT a muggle

We’re in the potent portal leading up to Halloween weekend.

A time of the year where many traditions across the world (including those of my Celtic ancestors) believe the veils between the worlds thin. 

I like to think of this time as a superpower portal where we can receive important guidance and messages before we turn inward during winter.  

Since it’s such a potent portal and time I always FEEL each time it rolls around, I have some special Halloween blogs planned for you this week to bring some intuitive festivity to the season.  

Random fact:  did you know that people traditionally wore costumes on Halloween to disguise themselves from harmful spirits?  YEAH.  But don’t worry, I have some tips I’ll share later on how to protect yourself from gnarly energies.  And if you want to master some wizardry skills of psychic protection, join my online intuition development course Intuition Unlocked 

Today I want to remind you that your sensitive nature is actually non-muggle superpowers.  

In case you’re not familiar with Harry Potter (gasp! I forgive you) muggles are people without magical powers and non-muggles are definitely magical.  You know, witches wizards, alike.  

Ok, but witches and wizards have gotten some fantastical presentations in Hollywood that makes most sensitives I know definitely convinced that they are well muggles...but they aren’t.  

So I made a fun list of 10 signs you’re definitely not a muggle (aka you're magical damn it).

Here are 10 signs you’re definitely not a muggle:

  1. You have vivid movie-like dreams.  I mean you should get an academy award for that stuff!

  2. You have an uncanny ability to know what other people are feeling without them saying a word.

  3. You’re deeply attuned to the environment around you.  For example, you can feel when it's going to rain without looking at the weather forecast. Like seriously people should pay attention to whether you’re carrying an umbrella.

  4. You’re able to know what an animal is communicating even though they don’t speak human words.  

  5. You’ve had a spiritual experience that you definitely wouldn’t share with a muggle.  

  6. Your ancestors have visited you in your waking or sleeping life.

  7. You have an uncanny ability to sync up with friends and family.  For example, when you think of them they text/call and visa versa.

  8. You know things in your bones sometimes about other people and experiences without knowing how or why.

  9. You know without a doubt there are other “people” in this world and they communicate with us.  For example, nature spirits, spirit of place, plant spirits, ancestors, spirit guides, and angels.

  10. You’ve been told by someone that you’re extremely intuitive or psychic.  Aka, they’ve basically told you that you are not a muggle!

Given that 2020 has been hella hard so far, I wanted to gather my non-muggle peeps and channel our power on one of the most powerful days of the year:  the full blue moon of Halloween.  

You’re invited for a free full moon ritual together HERE.  

We’ll gather on Zoom, attune to our heart’s guidance, honor the blessings in our ancestral lineages, and meet a well ancestral guide.  

much love,

PS.  If you know you’re a non-muggle and would love some Hogwart’z like introductory training, I’d love for you to join my popular program Intuition Unlocked HERE!  

PSS.  Pass this onto a non-muggle friend so they feel seen in this magical time.