Ancestral blessings in dreams

The loving support of our ancestors is always with us.  

Podcast listener Leslie had a big dream recently.  “I knew this dream was a solid message.”  The kind that sticks with you for life.  

She’s been slowly opening up to her ancestors.  Feeling the call strongly as she’s back on the land of some of her ancestors in Colombia.  

In the dream Leslie found herself outside in a forest.  As she looked down on the ground she saw a cloak on fire.  And the fire she sensed was on purpose.  Forming in a sacred pattern, almost like a constellation.

Leslie wasn’t alone.  She was surrounded by a circle of people.  Their message?  “Put the cloak on,” and so she did!

What did it mean?  What was she invited to put on?  Why wasn’t she afraid of the cloak?  And who were these people?  She wanted to know. Her heartstrings kept getting pulled by this mysterious, ancient feeling dream.

On this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci, I sat down with Leslie to explore her awe-some dream. 

I explored:

  • How to recognize ancestral backing.

  • The power to heal when we lean into our ancient ancestors.

  • How to honor big magical dreams in waking life.

  • And bridging our dream life and waking life through ancestral remembrance.

Much love,


PS.  Want to unlock hidden meaning in your dreams?  I have two opportunities for you: 

My live dream event Nighttime Power happening 10/13.  You can sign up for free to join HERE.

And my dream course Dreams Unlocked where I teach you a method to decode meanings in your dreams.  Enrollment is open now and you can sign up HERE.