How can your ancestors help?

10 generations back in time gives you 2046 ancestors. In 10 generations more, that number grows exponentially to 2,097,150.  

Now let’s pretend only 5% of your ancestors are well in spirit.  That gives you 104,857 ancestors cheering you on!  

Ancestors are a well of support often overlooked in modern days.  Pushed aside when our rational minds can’t explain the unexplainable.  Or shut out when blood relatives have done real harm in our lifetime.

When I started my ancestors' work, it was a complicated choice.  Bloodline relatives abused me in the past.  And my lineages have histories of addiction, violence, and sexual and physical abuse.  In other words, there’s a lot of baggage.

But I was ready.  I wanted to translate my personal healing onto the psychic ancestral plane.  And I’m so glad I did.  

When I met my ancient ancestors, I found new layers of deep healing.  

I found: 

  • safety

  • deep understanding

  • unconditional love, and

  • a team of wise people cheering me on. 

This is life changing as a survivor.  

Ancestral support heals our roots when we have core wounds from bloodline relatives.  Connecting to a well of goodness available whenever we need their support.  

This connection doesn't erase the bad or the imprints from harm.  But this relationship can be a mirror of the blessings amidst the burdens.  Of the inherent goodness in ourselves often forgotten or covered up during trauma.  And provide us the family members we most needed in times of harm on the spiritual plane.  

How can your ancestors support you?  Let’s find out...

This week on Tune In with Marci I’m answering five listener questions.  I explore:

  • The difference between lower case “a” ancestors and capital “a” Ancestors.

  • What happens to ancestors who were horrible people in this lifetime after they pass.  

  • How ancestor work can support trauma healing in families with unwell ancestors.

  • What to and not to ask for help from your ancestors.

  • And how to find resources about your ancestors' rituals and practices when you have no idea where to start.  

Much love,


PS. Powerful ancestor work springs from a strong connection to our intuition. Intuition Unlocked lays the foundation for ancestral communication.