Meeting your guides in the dreamtime

So often we expect spirit guides to be otherworldly characters that take our breath away in dreams. But more often than not, our guides are easy to miss.

A few years ago, a client of mine was struggling to get over her ex.  She knew the relationship wasn’t good for her, but there was an undeniable connection.  

She had dreams that left her with more questions.  During one session she described a dream. A bouncer at a bar stopped her from leaving and getting into a taxi to see her ex.  He suggested she sit on the bench with him and watch what happens next.  So she did.  

As the dream images moved forward, she witnessed her ex developing a romantic connection with another woman.  The man shared that her ex was not emotionally available.  The message?  Move on.  

Any time a client has an unusual person in a dream who seems to intervene or share a message, I notice.  And for good reason. 

“Do you think the bouncer might be a guide?”  I asked.

“Huh?”  She was still focused on her ex.  “Uh, I don’t think so.  I don’t know him.”  she said, trying to move on.

I paused her for a moment.  “It’s not about if you personally know him.  Often our guides show up in our dreams as ordinary people who guide us with messages or actions.”  

She reflected for a moment.  Then a lightbulb went off.  “Wait a minute!  I’ve seen that man in other dreams before!”  she exclaimed.

I smiled.  “Now we’re onto something.”

Suddenly the mysterious man unassumingly showing up in dreams made sense.  And wasn’t so random after all.  

This week on Tune In with Marci, I’m continuing my series to explore the magic of dreams.

I explore:

  • Why we often miss our guides in dreams.

  • Examples of the ways different guides show up.

  • How to recognize a guide the next time they appear.

  • And three simple steps to start connecting with your guides in the dreamtime. 

Now tell me, have you ever had a repeat “random” visitor in your dreams? Tell me in the comments below.

Much love,


PS.  Want to start a simple dream practice?  You’re in luck!  I teach this in my Intuition Unlocked program.  Plus I’m offering a special bonus for people who sign up this month: my introduction to dreamwork workshop.  You’ll also learn how to channel messages from your guides while you're awake and how to recognize signs and synchronicities from them.  Enroll now.