Slow down to listen

Intuition speaks in long sentences.

Sending messages to us in bits and pieces that span over the course of a day, a week, a year, or even years.  

Have you ever recognized in hindsight how all the pieces of one area of your life fit together?  Suddenly the wider perspective and clarity you wanted is obvious.  But you couldn't see it before in the messy middle. 

Even though I know this, I still sometimes try to push for clarity.  Wishing I can nudge my intuition onto the timeline in my head versus the pacing of my soul. 

When I fall into this trap, I suffer.  Like a person trying to draw a map in the densest fog.  I struggle to chart my next steps when I can’t even see my hand through the mist.  Eventually I must slow down to surrender. 

Intuition requires patience.

To receive the pieces along the way without the need to force clarity.  This intentional slow in our pace nurtures feelings of uncertainty.  And gives us the courage to let go of the need for control when the picture isn’t fully clear.  Yet.

I say yet, because the messages always become clear.  But again, intuition speaks in long sentences.  And long, magical, juicy sentences take time.  Like a handcrafted piece of pottery or painting.  

When we move too fast, we may catch some of the message highlights.   But inevitably we miss the details because....  

Intuition is a subtle communicator.  Speaking in the whispers of our heart. Through the quiet movement of the trees.  And in the moments in between. Living in the reality between time and space. In other words the present.  

This week on Tune In with Marci I’m exploring the power of slowing down to hear our intuition. 

I explore:

  • Why I believe it’s essential to develop our intuition during a global pandemic.

  • Why intuition takes practice.

  • The role of patience and slowing down to create a steady connection.

  • Why moving too fast can lead us to mixing up our intuition and our fear.

  • How to avoid a common pitfall.  Filling in the gaps when you still don’t have answers or guidance from your intuition.

  • And my favorite tips for cultivating more patience and slowing down to create a strong intuitive connection.

Much love,


PS.  Did you love this blog post and podcast episode?  Then I know you’ll love my Hear Your Inner Voice Masterclass.  Watch now.