This month I wrote the scariest message I’ve ever sent to anyone. Really. Ever....
Joy Tip Wednesday: Close Your Exits
Joy Tip Wednesday: Standing in Truth
There's seeing truth and then there's standing in truth. How often have you finally seen the truth in a situation, but then nothing changed? Why? Because it's safe. It's familiar. And dare I say, because we don't want to own the new information. We don't want to take responsibility. We don't want to stand in the Truth.
Joy Tip Wednesday: Walking Through Fear
Joy Tip Wednesday: The Sticky Middle
In this addition of Joy Tip Wednesday I'm exploring how I show up for myself in the stickiest of times...the middle. I've been reading the brilliant work Rising Strong from Brene Brown this past week and she helped me realize something. I hate middles. I want them to end. And my mind wants life to get on already and get over "the middle" of everything.