When dreams speak

I've always been a vivid dreamer.  But I didn't always recognize the powerful messages intuition was sending me at night.  

As young as age 3-5 I have a memory of one of my first reoccurring dreams.  Like a thrilling movie playing on the large screen, for years I dreamt about being dragged and then locked in a prison cell.  When I got older and became politically active, I sensed the dream was about being a political prisoner and this puzzled me.  What young child dreams over and over again about being a political prisoner?  

Another decade later when I was in Colombia visiting my husband's family, the pieces of the mystery dream came together.  Suddenly, past life memories came flashing back.  Unexplainable feelings flowed through me.  The dream of my childhood was a past life seeking healing and resolution.  

My dreams aren't always connected to past lives.  Sometimes they're messages foretelling the future.  Or simple guidance about what's happening right now.  Other times they're an unexciting opportunity for me to process what's left unprocessed from the day.  Sometimes my spirit is inviting me to heal a part of my unconscious that I'm ready to see.  And other times they are a mishmash of many things.  

My dreams all have one thing in common...they're never accidental.

One of the most life changing decisions I made was to start a dream practice.  Over time I started tracking and courting my dreams.  Paying attention to the stories rather than brushing them off.  And devoting time to document them.  

As I paid attention to the repetitions, the rhythm, the stories, and the themes, I started to develop an ability to decode what the world of Spirit was sharing with me on a nightly basis.  To this day, some of the most important decisions have been made entirely based on guidance from dreams.  

My dreams have guide me through decisions and next steps.  They give me courage during challenging times.  And most of all they affirm how much I am loved and supported in the unseen realms when I feel lonely.

I believe our dreams are the result of:

  • Our deepest soul sending the human side of us messages.

  • Spirit guides support to teach us, guide us, and invite us into deeper understanding.

  • Our spirit's ability to travel/access other realms of reality that are veiled from us on a daily basis.

  • Intuitive problem solving and co-creation with the wider Universe.

  • And so much more!

This week on Tune In with Marci, I explored the beautiful, wild, confusing, sometimes terrifying world of dreams. 

In this episode I reflect on:

  • My own relationship with dreaming and how I developed a dream practice.

  • How our social conditioning has led us to discount our dreams rather than explore them.

  • Some of the different types of dreams we can have.

  • What past lives have to do with dreaming. 

  • How to start working with our dreams, and

  • Why nightmares can be some of our greatest teachers.

Much love,


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