In case you missed it, for the past month we explored the depths of clarity. Here's what we learned...
Move Past Just Surviving
We all need conscious skills for unclear moments. For moments when it feels like overwhelm, frustration, and heavy energy are winning the day. Where all we want is clarity. We need a bucket of go-to’s that we know intimately and maintain to pull us out when we get consumed with cloudiness in moments when we absolutely need clarity.
How To Find Clarity
Joy Tip Wednesday - It IS Your Time
Over the last three weeks I’ve been busting through the three major myths that keep us stuck. They are not-so-sweet lies we tell ourselves to keep us from moving forward. The stories that make us pretend that we don’t deserve to be happy, to live the life that we daydream about, or to think that something could be different. This week I move onto myth #3: It's not my time.