Tending our inner judge

False perception creates separation from who we truly are. This separation is the root of suffering. In ourselves, in the collective, and in our relationship with the animate Earth. At the center of this false perception is often our inner judge.

Our egos form in part to function on Earth and in part to protect us as a reaction to times we’ve been hurt in the past. They help us pay bills and remember to feed our bodies. They’re important and have a role.  But in modern times they take up too much space in our being. Leading in areas of our life that they are not masters of. Keeping us stuck in judgment, disconnection, and longing for belonging.  

During the peak of my first sacred mushroom journey my sense of me dissolved and merged into pure awareness. In this reversed perception I realized the essence of life truly is love. The cosmic energy that fuels life, but we seem to forget over and over again.  

Why do we forget? 

Perception. Often a result of our inner judge. Pointing fingers at ourselves, others, and the collective around us. This keeps us lost in the tide of our individual neurosis. Rather than the meaningful concerns of the whole.  

Our central task on Earth is to remember who we are and why we came. And to re-remember when we forget. To remember that compassion, cooperation, nurturance, and generosity are the fabric of innate Selves. And plants, animals, stones, and the greater web of life around us are kin. Elders.

At the end of my sacred ceremony a beloved poisonous plant ally came to me. Datura. A plant that first visited me in dreams many years ago. And a plant one of my teachers discouraged me from connecting with. Calling datura demonic.  

As datura came to me at the end of my journey, I sensed her sacredness. The way she has been wrongly judged and vilified. But most of all, I sensed her generosity. And the sacred role she is here to play to help humans work through the messy layers of themselves to serve as a portal back to divine love.

We have strayed far from who we are. Individually and collective. But we can come back. One choice at a time. One moment at a time.  


Deepening our own self awareness. Noticing how we are perceiving ourselves, others, and the world around us. And noticing when that perception is colored by judgment. A central aspect of our ego designed to try to protect us. And yet a part of ourselves that ultimately separates us from our deepest selves, loved ones, and life around us.

Over the next week, I invite you to lean on a combination of courage and humility to notice your inner judge. Notice when they show up and see if you can meet them with the innate love and compassion of your true nature. Allow your essence to softly hold the hardened edges. Like an unconditionally loving parent cradling a fearful child. And notice what happens when you do.

Much love,


Want to hear more of the insights I received in my first sacred mushroom ceremony? Check out my latest episode of my podcast Tune In with Marci:

PS. Want to reweave yourself into belonging with the animate earth? Relating to plant and fungi spirits can help. Check out my Patreon. It’s where I teach monthly classes, share practices, and bonus podcast episodes. Learn more HERE.  

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