When the past visits in dreams

It’s common for our past to show up in our dreams. But many of us feel confused when it does.

Brushing these dreams off as unimportant and irrelevant. And pushing them aside when we cannot find a purpose for the past showing up in the present.  

But this is a mistake. Because there are reasons the past haunts our dreams. What are they?

Here are two:

  • A past dynamic is replaying in the present. When this happens, a wiser part of ourselves tries to get us to connect the dots. And invites us through the dreamtime into greater self-awareness. 

  • We've outgrown a past pattern we continue to repeat.  In this case, the guiding powers in our life invite us to let this pattern go. And take new action in our waking life to create a healthier pattern.  

These blasts from the past can give us clues to how themes from our past are showing up in the present. And inspire choices that align us more with our wisdom than our wounding.

Dreams are the perfect place to deliver these messages. They occur at a time of the day when our ego is more offline. And our sub and unconscious layers of our psyche rise more to the surface. 

In case you missed it, last week podcast listener Emily joined me on the podcast. We explored a dream with a blast from the past that left her perplexed. 

Listen now to hear what we discovered:

Much love,


PS.  We’re focused on partnering with plant spirits to support our dreamwork right now in my Patreon. If you join before the end of April at the dreamer and above level you can receive access to:  

  • A bonus podcast episode on bringing requests to plant spirits in dreams for support. I share different intentions for working with plant spirits in dreams. And an initial request you can bring to a plant ally to receive guidance through your dreams.

  • A mugwort dream incubation practice. Partner with a dreamwork plant spirit to receive an answer to an important personal question.  

  • And a bonus podcast episode diving deep into the dream plant spirit mugwort. I share medicinal, historical, magical, and energetic teachings about the plant. As well as my favorite ways to work with mugwort.  

Patrons at the explorer and above level receive access to this month's online class. Learn plant spirit dream incubation practices and a dreamwork method to support self-healing.  

If you are a:

  • Sensitive person who feels most connected to your truest self in nature and wants to deepen your connection with your intuition.

  • A plant and nature lover who wants to foster a spiritual connection with the green world.

  • Or a gardener that wants to infuse spirituality into your tending this growing season…

I know you’re going to love this Patreon.