Why is intuition so hard to hear?

Six years ago I made a life-changing decision to follow my intuition and resign from my government job.  With sweat on my brow I typed:

“...After much thought and reflection, I decided it is best for me to leave at this point.  This is perhaps the most challenging decision I have ever had to make.  I love the Agency and the people that work there.  However, I feel that I am at a crossroads in my life that is pulling me to leave…”  

Despite fear running through my veins and lots of stories about how this was perhaps the worst decision of my life, I knew without a doubt that my intuition was telling me it was time to go.  

This week I’m kicking off a five week exploration into unlocking our intuition in the lead up to doors opening for my popular intuition development program Intuition Unlocked (formerly Intuition 101).

Today I want to kick off this series talking about a very important topic.  Why intuition is so hard to hear.  

I like to think of ourselves as instruments that can tune into different channels and frequencies.  Intuition is one network on the inner plane of existence that we can set our minds to.  This network includes:

  • Spirit guides

  • Ascended Masters and other Guiding Beings

  • Well and healed ancestors that are here to support you in this lifetime

  • Your Higher/Wider Self, aka your soul.

  • Spirit teachers in nature like plants, animals, trees, elements, area, and land spirits.

  • And the Universe, Source, Supreme Being, Great Spirit, the Force, whatever you want to call the greatest consciousness/energy that sparks life and keeps it going.  

The problem is we are often attuned to different channels than this network of intuitive channels.  

Or, allow other channels of information to confuse our intuitive clarity.  

These other (often unconscious) channels include: 

  • Societal norms, conditions, and collective limiting beliefs and fears.

  • Family member limiting beliefs and fears.

  • A friend, family member, co-worker, or other important person in our live’s strong opinions, beliefs, fears, and long-held stories.

  • Early childhood and post childhood wounding that sparked fears and long-held stories.

  • Unhealed ancestral trauma passed down through the generations with crystalized hidden truths.

  • And unresolved and painful past lives that play out old storylines.

So many sensitives are used to listening to channels that are not their intuition and masquerade as their inner voice.  

These other channels often *sound* like their own inner voice.  

When we encounter a “truth” that seems to be solid in our minds, but causes us fear or anxiety, it's important to ask “whose face do you first see in your mind’s eye when you hear this story?”  If we trust the first face that comes to us or name, we’ll often discover that this truth belongs to a caretaker, the collective, or other important figures/forces in our life.  And it’s time to give it back.     

Learning how to trust our intuition and stepping into our healthy sovereignty depends on us doing this weeding of our inner garden.  

Weeding out the truths in our mind that never belonged to us in the first place.  So that the truths that are our own or want to plant now can grow.  

Now working with this many channels can be overwhelming at first.  So I always recommend people start with getting clear on two main channels:

Your heart and your mind.  

On this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci, I answer the question: why is intuition so hard to hear? 

I explore:

  • What is intuition?

  • The inner channels of communication that get confused with our intuition.

  • How to get past second guessing your intuition.

  • How to sort through the noise in your mind to hear your inner voice.

  • And one question to ask yourself right now to start trusting your intuition more.

What truths are masquerading as intuition for you right now? Tell me in the comments below.

much love,


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