
Following our wisdom is not linear.

Following our wisdom is not linear.

Following our wisdom is not linear.

Whether we’re seeking a stronger connection to our spirit guides, our intuition, or our heart’s wisdom. Allowing something Greater in our life to guide us is never linear.

This is a reality I witness a lot of people struggle against. Wanting a straightforward path to follow their hearts. A clear step-by-step A to Z process. They feel confused and disappointed in search of their hearts in this way.

How we create separation from our spirit

How we create separation from our spirit

When we believe the spiritual world is separate from the material, we create separation inside ourselves. Cutting ourselves off from our own inner wisdom and personal compass.

Over the years I’ve been asked the same question in different forms. The essence of this question is how does the spirit world connect to our practical everyday life? And recently someone asked me this question about plant spirits.