Who leads your inner table?

We all have an inner table, who's leading your's?⁠ ⁠ 

When I reached my mid-twenties I was surprised that my success in many areas of my life wasn't born from my own inner truth. Instead, I had followed a lot of tributary paths that were born from other people's truths and other people's perceptions of who I should be.⁠ ⁠ 

The truth was that I had abandoned parts of my truth, and entire swaths of my truth over time.  While the impetus was innocent born from survival, fitting in, feeling loved, playing a role in my family and society, the results were painful.  

We all abandon ourselves at times.  In fact often over and over again throughout our lives we may to varying degrees move away from our center.  

The question always is, will we decide over and over again to choose ourselves?

One day as I sat in meditation, I felt moved to get in my car and drive to a park. As I sat on the bare land playing with the dusty earth, I felt something inside of me speak: "Make a covenant with yourself...it takes courage to be you." The power of the words echoed in my being and sent tears down my face. ⁠ ⁠ After I heard this reminder from my inner voice, I felt called to gather some pieces of nature and do precisely what that voice shared. Through my own ritual, I made a covenant with myself and the Universe to follow my own path.

On that day, I decided to move my intuition from the back corners of my inner table where she had been screaming for attention to front and center. I gave my Intuition the mic. I made intuition the CEO of my life.⁠ ⁠ 

What does it mean when intuition is the CEO of our life?

It means:⁠ ⁠

  • We make the brave decision to do our best to follow our truth even when we feel fear.⁠ ⁠

  • We decide that who we truly are is more precious than the ideas of who others want us to be.⁠

  • We devote ourselves to always finding our way back to our center each time we inevitably get lost.⁠ ⁠

You see, since I made Intuition the CEO, she still sometimes gets displaced. But my dedication to my inner voice means I have a daily practice where I start and end my day at her council and I have practices that realign me when my inner table gets out of alignment.⁠ ⁠

We all have an inner table and yet many of us don't take time to notice who's there.  

Over the last six years of doing client work full time and leading groups I've seen countless people discover that the voice they thought was their inner truth was actually:

  • Their inner critic.

  • Their trauma.

  • Their parents voices so deeply embedded they sound like their own.

  • Their inner children scared, anxious, and hungry for love.

  • Their inner adolescents who feel rebellious and feisty.

  • Limiting beliefs born of culture, family, society, structures seamlessly masquerading as their own.

When I lead courses to connect people to their intuition and their guides, we embark on a sacred remembering of ourselves.  A sacred reclaiming of our power.  A sacred shedding of what's not our truth.  And a sacred opening to what is our truth so we can recognize it and return to our center time and time again when we wander off.  

For the third year in a row I'm leading my very powerful life-changing practical course on intuition development.  

If anything of what I said above lands with you, I'd love to invite you to join the journey.  I would be honored to guide you to hear your inner voice and empower you to make Intuition the CEO of your inner life.

You can learn about my course Intuition 101 HERE. Enrollment is open through Friday, April 17th.⁠ ⁠ 

If you feel inspired, get a journal and write on the following prompt:  What seat does Intuition have at your inner table?

much love,
