
How plant spirits brought me back to wholeness

How plant spirits brought me back to wholeness

Plant and fungi spirits have the power to bring us back into wholeness. Supporting our stuck grief to move and tears to flow. Accessing parts of ourselves we disconnected from and left behind to feel safe. Softening the hard edges of our inner protectors. And opening us up to the joy hidden in the crevices of our hearts.

Plant and fungi spirits are my cherished teachers and elders. Loving powers that hold me during my most vulnerable and raw moments.

Psychedelic and spiritual integration

Psychedelic and spiritual integration

Integration is essential to any deep spiritual encounter.

Whether it’s returning from a ten day silent meditation retreat. A wilderness excursion that cracked you open to something deeper. A big dream that serves as a portal to your Soul. Or a psychedelic/sacred medicine ceremony. Integration is where the rubber hits the road. And where we bring the gifts of a sacred experience back into our everyday lives.

Tending our inner judge

Tending our inner judge

False perception creates separation from who we truly are. This separation is the root of suffering. In ourselves, in the collective, and in our relationship with the animate Earth. At the center of this false perception is often our inner judge.

My sacred plant medicine healing journey

My sacred plant medicine healing journey

Can sacred mushrooms open us to self love and compassion? Resolve trauma and depression that won’t budge? And foster a meeting with the Divine?

Today’s today I’m opening up about my sacred plant medicine journey with psilocybin.

When the past visits in dreams

When the past visits in dreams

It’s common for our past to show up in our dreams. But many of us feel confused when it does.

Brushing these dreams off as unimportant and irrelevant. And pushing them aside when we cannot find a purpose for the past showing up in the present.

But this is a mistake. Because there are reasons the past haunts our dreams. What are they?

Do we have to act on dream messages?

Do we have to act on dream messages?

Podcast listener Emily’s recently deceased grandmother was repeatedly visiting her dreams. Showing up every single night leading up to Halloween. And then one dream stuck with Emily.

An ethereal feeling dream left her waking up with a sense of urgency to figure something out… But what? She felt irritated.

Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Life as I know it came crashing down one Fall day.

I was attending a sound bath. Something I had done many times before. But this sound bath was unlike any other. Because it opened me to remembering my childhood sexual abuse for the first time.

Once opened, memories continued to emerge for weeks. And nightmares became a regular occurrence.

Dreaming with the land

Dreaming with the land

Podcast listener Lauren had a dream that left her awestruck.

Magical butterfly creatures beckoned her to leave her friends. And head into the forest. As they sprinkled her with magic dust, she felt herself come alive. Fearing she couldn’t take more of this expansive feeling she ran away. On all fours.

Who she met surprised her. A powerful old woman who said she had a gift and a potent message: “open your heart.”